Naruto Reincarnation Of Madara Fanfiction - Did you split the soul in half or. Madara was given one more chance at life, to which he accepted โ albeit reluctantly. Still, being born as uzumaki naruto's elder brother was not what anyone in his position would expect,. My sons reincarnated into you two, with hashirama as ashura and madara as indra. so what's this deal about? since you two are already dead, ashura's and indra's soul have moved onto. When madara died he expected to have to wait till he was revived again. But what he did not expect was to be reborn as a blond haired child with a giant fox inside his gut. On his way home from school one day, naruto's life takes an unexpected turn when he runs into a mysterious girl. Their brief encounter sparks the memories from a past life long forgotten, and. 6 year old naruto was abused by his mother until he runs away, but now she wants him. He makes it to the valley of the end. Zetsu takes him to the ghost of the uchiha clan,. And ending up marrying madara. It's not exactly what you are looking for, but i feel it fits well enough. And is good enough as well. My candidate is boruto uzumaki as a reincarnate of madara uchiha. The uzumaki stamina combined with the hyugga bloodline alongside madara's past life as dojutsu wielder may. Reincarnation of indra how much longer do you plan on keeping your eyes closed a calm voice stated. Madara finally opened his eyes , in front of him was none other than the. Now that i think about, just give me any fic with madara reincarnated as someone else. Just not an uchiha. I want to see him get to his former glory with a different power set.
Did you split the soul in half or. Madara was given one more chance at life, to which he accepted โ albeit reluctantly. Still, being born as uzumaki naruto's elder brother was not what anyone in his position would expect,. My sons reincarnated into you two, with hashirama as ashura and madara as indra. so what's this deal about? since you two are already dead, ashura's and indra's soul have moved onto. When madara died he expected to have to wait till he was revived again. But what he did not expect was to be reborn as a blond haired child with a giant fox inside his gut. On his way home from school one day, naruto's life takes an unexpected turn when he runs into a mysterious girl. Their brief encounter sparks the memories from a past life long forgotten, and. 6 year old naruto was abused by his mother until he runs away, but now she wants him. He makes it to the valley of the end. Zetsu takes him to the ghost of the uchiha clan,. And ending up marrying madara. It's not exactly what you are looking for, but i feel it fits well enough. And is good enough as well. My candidate is boruto uzumaki as a reincarnate of madara uchiha. The uzumaki stamina combined with the hyugga bloodline alongside madara's past life as dojutsu wielder may.