Idaho Power Scheduled Outageschat Messenger - In the mobile app or on our online outage map, you can view when an outage started, the number of customers impacted, the probable cause, status of the outage, and an estimated restoration. Outages may take about 10 minutes to display on the map. Outages impacting fewer than 10 customers are not displayed on the map. We appreciate your patience during an outage. Heavy snow on lines or strong winds can cause long power outages. Take the guesswork out of your monthly energy bill. Budget pay levels out your. If you are experiencing an outage, please check our outage map at idahopower. com/outage or report your outage to outage@idahopower. com, and make sure to provide your address and. Check out the current power outage schedule for meridian (idaho), featuring detailed timings and updates to help you stay informed and ready for any disruptions. Track, record, and stay. The good news is that idaho power says a psps is a last resort and is done to protect the grid. Also, you have to give idaho power some credit, they're having a townhall of. Customers who live within the psps will get an alert from idaho power via a phone call, text, or email. If your power does go out, visit idahopower. com/outage for the latest. Idaho power outage hotline and support phone number. Find comprehensive data on the utility rates, average monthly bills and outages. Read more about being safe around downed power. Request fault current at a specific location. Fields marked with * are required. Use the form below for comments, questions, or feedback.
In the mobile app or on our online outage map, you can view when an outage started, the number of customers impacted, the probable cause, status of the outage, and an estimated restoration. Outages may take about 10 minutes to display on the map. Outages impacting fewer than 10 customers are not displayed on the map. We appreciate your patience during an outage. Heavy snow on lines or strong winds can cause long power outages.