Better Things Frankie Finds Out About Her Dad - Frankie has also learned how to be horrible and abusive to her mother, likely due to her father. I want to scream every time sam lets it slide rather than calling her out for being so mean and. She still has issues with her father, obviously, and i liked how ambiguous the show kept it as to how the. She wants everyone to be open and see things her way, but she’s mad at her mom for kicking the deadbeat dad out. The other two sho compassion and understanding that frankie only has for. We eventually learned that luna murdered both him and her dad, tom, but now… well, bill’s sprung the unhinged young woman from jail and keeps prodding her for details. He tells sam she has to invite his dad to her party. Like she couldn't do it herself. Sam should tell her no and that's it. Especially after what she has done. If you want him to come just invite. But in thursday’s finale, all of the arguments over school and boys and such paled in comparison to sam’s realization that her middle child, frankie, is likely transgender. When sam tracks her down at a tutoring session and frankie’s friend obsidian goes out of her way to inform sam about what’s up, frankie obnoxiously blames sam for. Frankie is a child of divorced parents, with their father basically abandoning his children. They only have sam in their life, so it’s natural that frankie is going to take out all her frustration and. Frankie was born on 2005 as the middle daughter of sam fox and mel. There we have the odious scene where frankie quietly declares that sam is washed up and proceeds to say the most horrible, hateful things about her age, her career,. Frankie is firmly in that phase. She's just pushing her mother's buttons constantly. She will chill eventually, if sam doesn't kill her. What i hate is how sam treats her mother on front of. Frankie basically said frankie's pronouns are they/them (testing the waters with sam, saying her friend jason's pronouns were they/them) and it's definitely been made clear that frankie is. Did we ever find out why frankie was so mad at sam for those few episodes? I assumed she was venting at her mom because she's safe to vent at. Her brother marion explained at one point:. Frankie has also learned how to be horrible and abusive to her mother, likely due to her father. I want to scream every time sam lets it slide rather than calling her out for being so mean and. She still has issues with her father, obviously, and i liked how ambiguous the show kept it as to how the. She wants everyone to be open and see things her way, but she’s mad at her mom for kicking the deadbeat dad out. The other two sho compassion and understanding that frankie only has for.
Frankie has also learned how to be horrible and abusive to her mother, likely due to her father. I want to scream every time sam lets it slide rather than calling her out for being so mean and. She still has issues with her father, obviously, and i liked how ambiguous the show kept it as to how the. She wants everyone to be open and see things her way, but she’s mad at her mom for kicking the deadbeat dad out. The other two sho compassion and understanding that frankie only has for. We eventually learned that luna murdered both him and her dad, tom, but now… well, bill’s sprung the unhinged young woman from jail and keeps prodding her for details. He tells sam she has to invite his dad to her party. Like she couldn't do it herself. Sam should tell her no and that's it. Especially after what she has done. If you want him to come just invite. But in thursday’s finale, all of the arguments over school and boys and such paled in comparison to sam’s realization that her middle child, frankie, is likely transgender. When sam tracks her down at a tutoring session and frankie’s friend obsidian goes out of her way to inform sam about what’s up, frankie obnoxiously blames sam for. Frankie is a child of divorced parents, with their father basically abandoning his children. They only have sam in their life, so it’s natural that frankie is going to take out all her frustration and.